Cookies & Our Policy

We use cookies on our website. By using the Uncapped website you agree to our use of cookies.

Cookies remember your preferences

When you visit our site we put an identifier file called a cookie on your browser or device. They help us distinguish you from other users and help us to give you the best possible experience. They also help us make our site better for everyone. We keep track of information like how many times you’ve been here before, how long you spent, and what you did. We store a particular cookie for a few minutes to two years depending on the purpose.

Don’t worry, cookies never store your login or security details.

We use three categories of cookies

Necessary cookies for security and core features

Analytical cookies for identifying and counting the users of our site

Targeting cookies for recognising the specific pages and links users follow

Note on third-party cookies

Some of the cookies we use are from third parties such as Facebook, Twitter or Google, so they can show you ads for our services which we think you would be interested in and so we can understand which encourage more people to visit us.

Prefer not to use cookies? Turn them off

We won’t be offended. To block cookies within your browser, got to the settings and you should be able to refuse all or just some cookies.